Sober Sisters Events aims to inspire you to embrace sobriety & create connections with others on this transformative journey.

embrace the beauty of sobriety & connection


Britney lives in the burbs in SC with her husband, Ryan and their three little loves, Lyric, Lennon and Layla. She finds joy in being a Mama, has a passion for writing, live music, and enjoys yoga and cycling to get the blood flowing.

Britney has been sober since January 8th, 2023. She reached a point where alcohol was taking up too much of her headspace and prevented her from living her best life. Sobriety has given her so much more mental clarity, patience, and the confidence to know her capabilities are endless. She hopes to share her story and inspire others, especially Moms, to embrace sobriety and become the best versions of themselves.



Shannon lives in the beautiful Queen City and has a lot of love for her dog Hendrix, hiking, yoga, horror films, and squeezing every last drop of joy out of every little moment life has to offer.

She has been sober since March 2nd, 2020. Choosing to go alcohol free during a pandemic was a bold move but has paid off, tenfold. Of course, it hasn’t always been easy, but the positive changes in her life are abundant and ever-growing since choosing sobriety. She is so grateful to now live as her most authentic self and share her story in the hopes that it will help others.